It is critical that you know of your hair type in advance so that you are sure if it's susceptible or vulnerable to damage as well as know the appropriate kind of care for the hair you have. We have many types of hair and these ranges across different people. We have people with straight hair meaning they have round hair fibers and those having the oval and other fibers tend to have wavier or the curly hair. There are systems in place that classify the kind of hair you have, based on the curl patterns of your hair. Let's delve deep into the various kinds or the hair types that exist and be able to know the kind of hair you have in the end. You can discover various hair styles by clicking here:

First, we have the type one hair, the straight hair. This kind of hair is mostly sheen and the resilient hair type of all the hair types. It is considered hard to damage, so it's not really prone to damage like other categories, but one other feature is that you cannot easily curl it, proves hard to roll it because it is stiff. It is easy to maintain because its less prone to damages and therefore you can use the basic care stuff for this kind of hair, not vulnerable in any case. We have the other one type two hair, the wavy hair. The fizzy kind of hair you will ever notice on anyone. Unlike the straight hair that is quite hard and difficult to curl, this one can be easily tamed and styled. You can twist it anyway and make the styles that you want. It's soft, therefore it requires care because it can fall off, very susceptible to damage. To learn more about hairstyles, call us.

Moreover, we have curly hair. This one now is voluminous hair and its prone to damage. You have to make sure that it is accorded the much-needed care for it to be in good shape. Inadequate care then believes me you will realize less defined curls with time. It is therefore good to have it often maintained because of all that. The type four hair type is the kinky hair, shrinks when its wet meaning that it can be lost easily. You can know the kind of hair you have by checking some of the above hair types. We have quite a lot of them with even sub-categories, but you can sure read the above ones to know more. Know your hoar type today to know if it's susceptible to damage and also the appropriate way to care for it.

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